

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.



Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

We’re so glad you joined us.

While book blogs and book reviews abound on the internet, the three of us (Elizabeth, Moira, and Shannon), felt that we had a distinctive voice to bring to the book world.

In our reviews, we hope to give you our honest and unfiltered perspectives. Our individual and collective taste ranges from low to highbrow and everywhere in between. There will be a plurality of chick-lit reads (further discussions on whether to reclaim or dismiss that phrase are forthcoming), as well as healthy doses of mystery, historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy adjacent, self-help, feminist nonfiction, and much more.

We hope you stick around and explore what She’s Full of Lit has in store: from individual reviews, to book clubs, to revisiting the books of our childhood, and even to our favorite skincare products.

We welcome saucy repartee, comments, and discussion, and will only delete abject nastiness. All books and products received gratis will be appropriately credited in each post. Please direct all queries to shesfulloflit@gmail.com. All opinions our own.

Photo credit: Sweet Sundays Photography

Book Review: "The River" by Peter Heller

Book Review: "The River" by Peter Heller

Meet the Reviewers: Elizabeth

Meet the Reviewers: Elizabeth