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The Reading List: August 16, 2019

The Reading List: August 16, 2019


Unless you’re new around here, you will know that I love a rom com—good, bad, so-bad-they’re-good…I love them all. However, loving something also means you can be critical of it (or however the saying goes), so this McSweeny’s woke rewrite of “When Harry Met Sally” had me lol’ing. With no disrespect to one of my personal heroes, Nora Ephron, this is gold: “‘I respect the opinions and achievements of all people without sexualizing them for my own personal conquest,’ Harry tells Sally. ‘Also, gender is a construct.’”

You’ll likely appreciate this Elle profile even if you haven’t read a ton of Jia Tolentino’s writing (at The Hairpin, Jezebel, and The New Yorker). Her book, “Trick Mirror,” just came out, and Elizabeth and I both just purchased it at The Strand last weekend. (I imagine one or both of us will be reviewing it soon.) Despite having read many of Jia’s pieces, I didn’t necessarily know a ton about her background (she went to UVA, spent some time in the Peace Corps, and attended the MFA program at the University of Michigan), and this profile is a great one.

Related note, be sure to follow that up with Jia's beauty routine courtesy of Into the Gloss. Girl loves her Tatcha!

For this week’s political reads, some Elizabeth Warren-focused pieces: this from New York Magazine on Warren’s professorial style, and this from The New York Times on how many people like Warren, while also worrying about her electability. I’m of the mindset that saying she isn’t electable can be a self-fulfilling prophecy (see: Rodham Clinton, Hillary), and I’m hoping next month’s Democratic debate doesn’t get stretched to two nights, as I’d love to see Warren on the stage with Biden and Harris.


As promised in the newsletter, I ordered this weighted blanket from Amazon. I’ve even toted it for a road trip this weekend (my husband was thrilled to have to schlep it around, I assure you.) I have noticed a big difference in tossing and turning. I bought the 15 pound blanket, but honestly even though I don’t weigh enough for the rating, I’d love the 25 pound one. Or…like a 75 pound one. Essentially I need one of the squeeze machines for anxious cattle before they’re slaughtered.

I assume most of you have heard about the 30-50 feral hogs story from this week. I loved this article from The Cut about naming said hogs.

Longform recently reposted this article about having bad teeth in America. The socioeconomic implications of bad teeth were something I’d never really considered before this, and it’s a very interesting and personal read.

I really love The Cut (as do my fellow bloggers). This article about Dr. Jen Gunter, who wrote a book about women’s health, is pretty great—I love Gwyneth and Goop, but I hate pseudoscience. A yoga studio I like near my apartment (which I will leave nameless and shameless), has recently advertised vaginal steaming and jade eggs for your chacha, so the crazy is catching on. Just don’t do it, guys.

I’m going through some minor health nonsense right now, but I’m so grateful for the amazing care I’m receiving. This article about trans healthcare, and how it’s being threatened in the US, reminded me how important it is to advocate for others to receive the privileges we take for granted.


I’m a big fan of the Girls Night In Newsletter, and one of the things covered this week was about how we always need to feel productive — on vacation, on workouts, even on “self care.” That made me think, as did this article from The Guardian about the “Ideal Woman.” Like Shannon, I do love Jia Tolentino, and this article makes me even more excited to read her book — and it weirdly makes me want a Kale Caesar saiad from Sweetgreen.

Y’all know I love a good scammer story (is this my theme of the summer?), and so this in-depth look at the college admissions scandal/Operation Varsity Blues was a long-but-wild trip. Sidenote: what is Lori Laughlin thinking???

I had never heard of the Westfield Watcher until last night, and I very quickly went down that rabbit hole — tl;dr: a family in New Jersey bought their dream house, and they quickly realized it had a very (very) creepy fan. The watched house actually sold to a new buyer recently — I cannot imagine wanting to live in a house that was so notorious.

TBH, I have mostly liked Taylor Swift's music, but I don’t love her persona — especially in the current political climate. This revisiting of history made me have a little rage moment, and I don’t love that this is how she’s trying to get in headlines. Also, FYI - anyone speaking up can help. Own your political feelings, Taylor! We have to hear about literally everything else you feel.

One of my favorite bloggers is Serena Wolf, behind the brilliant blog Domesticate Me. I love to cook but I like someone else to provide guidance, and her recipes are both easy and delicious (also, her instagram is a true treat if you like CBD, fancy facial gear, and a “weird blog lady” that feels like your buddy). Her new cookbook — Dude Diet Dinnertime — is finally available for pre-order, and I am so excited. And no, you don’t have to be a dude to enjoy the food.

FYI: When you click links in this post to purchase a product, SFOL might get a cut of your purchase. Thanks in advance!

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