

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: January 25, 2020

The Reading List: January 25, 2020


I am fascinated by all of this royal family drama (I honestly can’t get enough of it), and I loved this reminder of what Wallis Simpson’s life looked like after abdication. Ultimately, I hope Harry and Meghan are happy, but I hope that their activities don’t dilute the power and grandeur of the British Royal Family. Also, I know Harry thinks he wants to live a “normal” life, but as someone who has done that for 33 years, I find that overrated. I hope they don’t regret this choice.

I feel like everyone’s eyes have been on my adopted hometown this week thanks to the Impeachment Trials, but I’d like to share two other pieces of WTF news from our nation’s capital this week:

Another favorite headline: “How New York’s Bagel Union Fought — and Beat — a Mafia Takeover” (thanks Morning Brew for this read!)

I love traveling in England, and I really wouldn’t ever like to be the subject of a true crime podcast, so this resonated*: Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village.

I love (LOVE) office supplies, and I’m about to leave my freelance-ish consultant lifestyle behind to go back to an office (I also love structure and routine, so this is a welcome step for me), so I ask you this: do I need all of these supplies for my new job? It’s basically the same as an adult back to school, yes?

*obviously, a little tongue-in-cheek here, friends.


A fun part about getting older is every part of your body slowly deteriorating until you die. Currently I’m fixated on my worsening eyesight, but these Warby Parker glasses I ordered today take the sting out just a bit.

This piece on trans workplace discrimination is absolutely worth a read.

This article about a sorority sister’s neonaticide is compelling and tragic on a multitude of levels. It’s also a good long read, and not just a tease. Also don’t name your child Emile if you want it pronounced Emily. Thank you.

This is Dorsia? While it was Christian Bale in Little Women, not American Psycho, who sparked my sexual awakening, I’d happily get axe-murdered by a certain Mr. Patrick Bateman. Despite hating Bret Easton Ellis with a passion some might describe as fiery, I’ll always love this movie. Check out the oral history here.

I guess I’m just on that trans-issues tip this week, but this article about learning masculinity through transition blew my mind. I cannot wait for P. Carl’s full memoir to be released.

Book Review: "Followers" by Megan Angelo

Book Review: "Followers" by Megan Angelo

Book Review: "The Things We Cannot Say" by Kelly Rimmer

Book Review: "The Things We Cannot Say" by Kelly Rimmer