

Welcome to She’s Full of Lit!

Here, we chat about our favorite (and sometimes least favorite) books, share recommendations on everything from what wine pairs best with that work of fiction to facemasks that make your non-fiction read even better, and live our best basic bookworm lives.

The Reading List: March 29, 2020

The Reading List: March 29, 2020


I wandered through Wegmans this week fantasizing about breakfast cereal, and while I only ended up getting generic Chex, I was brought back to my childhood favorites. This ranking of cereals, including consideration to mascot, will have you on the same wavelength. In a time when for most of us, grocery shopping is the only time we see other humans, maybe we can all revisit our favorite breakfast cereals.

Many of us have been in multiple Zoom meetings this week. How does one cultivate that air of professionalism while remaining as relaxed as humanly possible? Turtlenecks.

Britney Spears is faster than Usain Bolt. Plausible.

A very promising tease from Samantha Irby’s new book!

Cardi B and Tiger King will get us through. I refuse to feel shame about that statement.


A few coronavirus-adjacent reads:

I was actually going to share the Alison Roman article that Shannon did below, but she did her list first! I will say that I am making my third batch of The Dip in three weeks this weekend; it’s seriously one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. (It’s in “Nothing Fancy” if you haven’t made it yet btw). I also just bought her first cookbook — “Dining In” because honestly, how could I not in this moment?

Finally, this isn’t a link but a recommendation: if you aren’t yet, you should absolutely be watching “Tiger King” on Netflix. In the words of Stefan, it’s got everything: meth, thruples, murder, tigers, Joe Exotic.


Those who know me would say I am not an enthusiastic cook, but this time in quarantine may be changing that. I spent Saturday night making lasagne from scratch for the first time ever (except the noodles, because, why would I do that?), and I followed Alison Roman’s recipe. I feel so millennial in doing so, but many of her recipes are excellent and feature pantry staples. So just give in already.

I think my next cooking adventure will involve Marcella Hazan’s Bolognese.

I am fascinated by Cameo (one of my coworkers got another coworker a Cameo from a Bachelor for her birthday and he said, “will you accept this rose” and it was hilarious and so sweet), and I predict you’ll be fascinated too after reading this background.

Jen Gotch on writing a memoir about mental health.

If you haven’t been paying attention to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo during quarantine, I highly suggest you start. He’s been a steady leader through all of this, having daily briefings and not hiding how tough this whole situation is. For some reason, he often uses PowerPoints to aid in his presentations, and they are truly a thing to behold. (See our header image for one such example.)

Lastly, I am extremely unemotional and even I teared up watching the video of this socially distanced wedding, in which a couple got their marriage license one day before City Hall closed (and thus were unable to marry there), and their ordained friend married them from four stories up.

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Page to Screen: "Emma."

Page to Screen: "Emma."

Antisocial Media: Book and TV Pairings for Social Distancing Survival

Antisocial Media: Book and TV Pairings for Social Distancing Survival